you know...
your style of composition is very similar to some of my earlier stuff, and i find that hard to imagine and somewhat discouraging, as i thought i was entirely original. Whatever....
The artistic choices you made in this song were all correct, all I can say is there will be a time when you realize that you dont want the same pattern to repeat throughout the whole song, that day, my friend, you will become a man
I sort of wish you did more with the 16th notes on the bassline, they sounded pretty nice working with the kicks. Maestro mentioned something about the "guitar" part, but i thought it sounded fine, I would change the strings at that point though, to give it some major boosts in diversity.At the end of the end of the 4th measure on the bass pattern, the song sounds too exposed, you might be bale to do something with that.
I predict you evolving well, i will check about later....stick to originals and create your own sound