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Ill put an end to this

The song crept in very subtly, with the clock ticking, a very omnicscent feel. The drums were a little plain, wished to see some more diversity there.

Once the piano went solo, I could tell you were starting to build something. The bass drums started pounding and the piano kept repeating...but nothing happened.

WOuld have been awesome to see the strings come back with a full orchetration of woodwinds and brass, then have the drums switch to a driving rock beat. But I only dream...

The piano needed more structure. It had a melody, but really didnt progress as the song developed. Once every instrument has its own personality and emotion to express, then you have a masterpiece!!!

Mataro responds:

Yeah.. A full orchestration would b lovely.. But alas I lack the ability to do so :P

The piano part has been changed, now it just plays an altered melody that changes the atmosphere ever so slightly, but it works well. As for the diversity, well, I think that adding too much would make the song unsuitable for use in a game scenario (which is where this is ultimately destined to be :P). I'll see what I can do about mixing up the drums a bit more, I'm just kind of experimenting with this song a bit.

Thanks a ton for stopping by RGH! ^^

Epic indeed

Threw all the elements in this one didnt you?

I thought the strings were alittle overidden, and could have been washed out with some chorus to fit in with the genre more.

Wait, is that a phone ringger in the beginning? The deep bass really gets the song ready for some hardcore dnb. You might want to turn down the frequency on the bass a little, maybe its just the attack, but its really, abrassively grainy.

Tons of sick fills, great transitions, badass beats.

Deserves to be on the top 5.

cornandbeans responds:

nah, that was some sort of chime/triangle... I forgot lol

I can see how you could mistake it for a phone. :P

Thanks for the review. :)

dub dub dub K?

what are you trying to say to me? O wait, its like the alphabet on crank or something....

I thought that the song didnt really pick up as much as it needed to. Once the vox became a main feature in the song, you should have thrown a cheesy synth lead in there, just for the hell of it, mom?

Were H E L L and M O M used on purpose or did that just happen.

I think im going to stufy this one for subliminal messaging for some time...

Laiderdaiv responds:

ahaha Alphabet on Crank, really? That's interesting. Yeah it needs to pick up somehow...gotta figure that out. Hmm, I'll think about it son.

I don't think MOM and HELL are in there(?), but RETARDED is intentionally.
Feel free to stufy it..I'm not sure what that means. XD


what if i barely like it?

I liked that pad you used but I think it was too featured in the song, it was audible during all phases of the piece. The melody sounded very badass and definatly pumps my subs out.

the part with the strings and timpanis was so strange. putting filters on orchestral percussion instruments is always interesting.

The drum beat was so basic, you could have had a lot ore going with this song if you livened that up a bit. Still, its fun to listen to.

Nice job

nice piano intro.

Maybe would have built up the song better if it was solo at first, and then the drums came in later after the pad breakdwon. The snare ought to be introduced earlier, to give ti more driving feel.

I see good things ahead of you composition wise, you seem to be understanding what makes a complete song.

The choir sample was quite awful, it may have been muddled out with reverb however. The synth part should be louder when it comes in.

good stuff, I apreciated your revew
(But id be more fond if you reviwed one of the songs i submitted this week :)...)

Mataro responds:

Thanks a lot RGH, always great to hear from you, it's been a while since I've been to my page... It's good to see a review from one as talented as yourself! I'll come and check out some more of your stuff, definately. And I agree, this song is good... Just not clarity-wise, could definately have done a better job witht he equalizer. -.-'

Nice build up

but once the strings dropped off, it lost its epicnecness. The lead synth you used during that part needed more frequency in my opinnion. It needed more variation from the original melody as well. The beats were really nice, could have done more with the fills and transitions though.

I felt like the synth strings with an adjusted attack would have fitted quite nicely.

But its still godly dance.
You own us all again

ZeRo-BaSs responds:

wow ty!!!

sounds pretty sick

The third chord of the piano seemed a little off, a different inversion of it might sound better.
As fas as mastering, the guitar was at the right level. Maybe turn up the bass a little more so it could be more audible with the drums. You need some epic strings to go along with the guitar solo. Just so you could melt the song away with an intense piano-string duet.

Good none the less, sounds fine

mhb responds:

ok. so everything sounded right except i need to pump the bass a bit more. cool. thanks man i appreciate the feedback a great deal.

nice effects

The hi-hat sounded very nice in my headphones.
But the chord structure was a little weird, or at least the part the bell synth played was a little strange.
The acoustic guitar sounded great though, with the strumming and melody it played.
You needed a more staedy hi-hat beat to go along with the flanged out one, to give the song more structure.

Twas good though, hope your juices are flowing

attemptedperfection responds:

Thanks for the review!
yeah, the original song description went something like:
"weird chord progressions... weird scales... just weird." so yeah... weird is the perfect word. I'm not sure if it worked musically, but it's something a bit different anyway, and that's all I was really going for. I thought of putting in a steady hi-hat, and ended up just making it a bit more stable around the ending. Actually, there technically isn't any hi-hat at all; originally it was an idea for a drum beat, but I ended up filtering it out to the extent that it sounded like a hi-hat. I liked it that way, so I kinda built the song around it.
Anyway, thanks again for the review!


Hello featured audio artist, I have not checked your page in a while.

This is a beautiful song, its hard to take the power away from the composition when it is remixed. Still, you had some nice uses of dynamics, creating suspense and making for some nice transitions.
The synth strings were too synthy for my tastes, and is it too much to ask for some drums. Even this song could use a little beat.

Grats on the feature

SolusLunes responds:

Wait, what? Featured Audio Artist? Don't tell me I missed it! Fuck!

Thanks for the review though, and yes, you can have a rework of this. I'm so kind :p


So you got your jazz goin on. But the melody is just drifting and bouncing about the whole time, like you glitch dnb pieces. It makes for an intersting combination.
The guitar synth was timed nicely, and it had a nice bluesy laid back jazz beat. The acoustic bass was subtle, but a nescasarry for the style. Some of its notes sounded a little cut short.

Then the song just melts away....

dj-padman1 responds:

thanks for the helpful feedback, I gotta agree with you about the notes being a little bit cut short.. Probably wanted to loosen 'em up a bit.
Give me time, I'll get this blues thing eventually :)
Once again, thanks.

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