I don't know what it means to "beta test" audio, but here it goes...
It's a nice intro. I liked the auxiliary percussion elements, they had some great timing. Some more reverb would help fill them out more.
The silence at 50 seconds is a bit abrupt, maybe hold that single string note out during that point. I liked the chords that come in around the 1:15 mark. This is a nice theme to build off od. There are some good drum fills during that section as well. I can't help but feel like the chords need to resolve to something lower on the up beat. If I tinkered with this on the piano I could probably find it...
It starts to get a little bit repetitive around the 3 minute mark. The next section that comes in around 3:30 should probably pop up a bit sooner. This song is like some dark kind of regal. Almost as if you're at the Olympics going for gold, but coming up short.
Overall, I think it is a little too long for the amount of variation, but it definitely has some potential.