Was definatly a good soundtrack
I only wished that te choir would have had a more majestic progressive melody. All the samples you used sounded really good though. The drums are so tribal haha
Was definatly a good soundtrack
I only wished that te choir would have had a more majestic progressive melody. All the samples you used sounded really good though. The drums are so tribal haha
Bit repetetive
I didnt like the one riff, that repeated over and over again. BUt i enjoyed the add-ons and you did an ok of mixing up your drum beats, but that one melody just was driving me insane, the one it starts and ends on.....
Dont know what to tell you..
Why the new newgrounds is awesome....
....Badgers dance to all your music
This song is pretty sick, builds slowly
Way to showcase your scratching skills :)
The ending suprised me, the melody at least. I thought the transition on the synth bass was a tad late, but thats just prefrence.
Keep rocking!
The pad started the song really nicely, it worked well with the phasing hi hats. The piano melody was pretty.....pretty simple that is....j/k
The panning on the drums sounded a little extreme, and i wasnt even wearing headphones. YOu need some drums running out of the middle of the speakers, like at least a kick, the ride you had wasnt pronounced enough. Keeping things ambient doesnt mean that you have to exclude beats....at least in my opinnion.
The song was a gradual progression, but will it climax?....
Or you can reintroduce the original theme, that always works haha. Emding with the piano trailing off would have suited this song better methinks...
ooohh yea
SOunded like an 80's dance track at the start haha. The one synth tom you used during the fills made me laugh every time i heard it. Nice background music during the synth breakdown, melody was a little plain, but when the heavy bass came back in it sounded sick!
Its been a while since ive seen you submit anything....glad i checked this one out.
(thats a crazy broken glass pad...)
yum yum
lolipop, lolipop, oh loly loly loly.
What, this isnt that song, damn. Oh, its sone of your down tempo ambient pieces, i guess i can listen to this for alittle bit. The drum loops that came in with the bass was sort of ridiculous, filter work made it to jumpy at that point in the song. But i guess all the srums are like this in this song, so nevermind haha.
SImple melody and drums that make me want to pop ecstacy to find a rhythym to. Once the drums toned down a bit it sounded nice. Your progression was sort of backwards in that regards. You would normally establish a theme, break it down, and then elaborate. This was all like, im gonna give you a taste, then let you suck on me for a little bit, and then we wont talk about anythign that happened the next morning.... o wait, that was my train of thought last night.
So, Sinerider, that was awfully tasty, do you mind if i come back for more later?
You do?
hah, thanks for the review
Its loli-Lops zomg lol
I did some bad mastering mistakes in this one. But I think I may fix it up a bit later
Thanks again :D
"Not paragonx9 great", such a reputation to live up to. I thought it was very nice. Once the drums came in, you needed more bass to give it mroe drive and power. I like the synth line that repeats all the way through, very trancy.
Oooohhh, a piano breakdown, what good trance song is complete without one? The sequencing on that track was on point, with the glissandos and shit. You emulated the piano style very well.
Drums were on point, as usual. There was one hi-hat that stood out like rice in pudding, chocalate pudding that is.
This song doesnt really get loud and agressive like you're more infamous songs....but i could give a damn. Still kick ass, keep doing your thing babe....
Sorry for taking your fans....
(haha yea right)
this is pretty sick
You got a pretty mean groove going here... The kick is a little overpowering, turn it down on the high end. The next synth to come in sounding like it was screming in agony haha. Bongos are very fun to make beats with.
Lots of diversity, would have liked to see the original bass reintroduced later in the song with a more progressive riff. But i wont complain, too much
Reminds me of perfect dark, one of the sounds, in the percssion, the hit with a lot of reverb.
I like it man, good job
I liked the pads and lead to start the ong off, but i thought the snare was a bit off. Maybe it was introducing the downbeat before the upbeat or something.
The square lead faded out nicely and led into a nice rhytmatic section with sweet bass. Then bells, brings back the original melody lead. Very nicely put together I must say. Transitions were pretty flawless. And then theres another part, with that crazy ass bass effect again. Nice little lsicer pad at the end, to wrap it up.
Drums were a bit generic, lead was a little repetetive at some points, but other than that it was sick as hell!
You get a 5
Nope, snare is on... The melody is slightly offbeat, so I guess that is what gives the effect.
Transitions were flawless? I thought they needed improvement... That square lead I didn't think faded out too well. But, hey I like it better when you say its good ^.^
I battled with myself with whether or not to do that middle section or just have a long ass piano solo type thing... But i decided on the middle part.
The last transition back to the original melody was my favorite ^.^ When the saw fades in... i love that.
Thanks for the review!
Obscure Prosperity
Age 35, Male
Out There
Joined on 9/29/03